Edible versions - Tips for implementation
So you read my Edible versions post and want to get the good stuff on how to make it happen in your organization. Well, to be honest, its not that difficult once all the parties sit together, talk about their expectations and design the protocols between the groups. See my earlier post for some general pointers.
Having said that - Maybe I CAN provide some tips that I saw working in the past:
- Ensure all content in a delivery is tracked as a change request (bug/feature/other) in an issue tracker.
- Provide an "Impact Level" for each change, so QA can easily focus on the high impact changes first.
- For complex changes or large builds get used to hold delivery meetings where the DEV and QA discuss the changes and exchange ideas on how to proceed with covering this build. Be effective - know when the changes are small and the process can be lighter.
- Try to establish an environment which automatically generates release notes for a version. At a minimum, as a report on whatever the issue tracker says. If possible, it should be based on actual deliveries to the SCM system. Use something like the integration between JIRA and Quickbuild/LuntBuild
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